Project Parivartan: State Bank of India's Internal Communication Initiative
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB120
Case Length : 12 pages
Period : 2006-2009
Pub Date : 2009
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : State Bank of India
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Countries : India
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"The success of the Bank's transformation depends
crucially on its people."1
- OP Bhatt, Chairman, State Bank of India, in 2007.
"The transformation process initiated by [State Bank of India] encompasses a wide canvass including change in mindset. Accordingly, the first mass Internal Communications Program named Parivartan
was rolled out across the Bank [...]"2
- OP Bhatt, in 2008.
The end of 2008 saw banks across the world, including private sector banks in India, struggling due to recession and stalling their expansion plans. India's leading bank State Bank of India (SBI), on the other hand, was drawing up plans to further strengthen its position besides coming out with the announcement that it would recruit 20,000 clerical staff. The bank attributed its good performance despite a turbulent phase in the industry, to the various initiatives that it had taken since 2006, including
'Project Parivartan'.3 Parivartan (which means transformation/change) was a huge internal communication initiative aimed at sensitizing the grassroots level employees regarding the changes being undertaken in SBI and the need for such change.
Project Parivartan: State Bank of India's Internal Communication Initiative
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